Grace Design m103 Single Channel Channel Strip Microphone Preamp with Equalizer and Compressor Reviews

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Grace Design m103 Single Channel Channel Strip Microphone Preamp with Equalizer and Compressor Feature
- Channel Strip
- Remarkably Versatile Channel Strip! Channel Strip
- Single-Channel Transformerless Channel Strip with 3-Band Equalizer, Optical Compressor, and Flexible
Here's your "Need to Know" Lesson on Grace Design. These guys are the kings of the transparent microphone preamp. Really, you can rely on their m101 pre to take your prized microphone and bring every nuance to life... without adding unnecessary color. So, here's the story on the Grace Design m103. We're only guessing, but maybe that "3" refers to the 3-in-1 nature of the channel strip... you know, the 1-2-3 punch of a great preamp, a great EQ, and a great compressor. And, you guessed it, the m101 preamp sits squarely in that "1" position, so you know the Grace Design m103 is already a winner. And that's just 1/3 of the tale.What else is going on with the Grace Design m103? Apart from the clear, detailed, musical mic preamp on the front there (including a ribbon mic mode, a 75Hz highpass filter, and optional phantom power), you've got an excellent 3-band EQ section for shaping. Along the lines of the m101, the EQ in the m103 is aimed to be natural and musical at all frequencies. There's a fully parametric mid control, with shelving and peak modes on the high and low bands.Last, you've got an optical compressor for everything from gentle limiting to a healthy dose of compression... still with an aim on neutral and transparent performance. It helps you sound stay clean, intact, and alive... without squashing the daylights out of it. Just the right amount. And for the record, you can use the mic pre and EQ/compression sections independently of each other. And you can also switch the order of the EQ and compressor. Good deal.Grace Designs m103 Features:Transformerless microphone preamplifier based on the m101 circuitryThree-band equalizer with parametric mid-range and peak/shelf optionsOptical attenuator based compressor with linking optionComprehensive I/O for added compatibility with other units
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Mar 25, 2011 13:38:06
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