EX-550i/25 - CDT Audio 2-Way "Transient Optimized" Crossover

EX-550i/25 - CDT Audio 2-Way "Transient Optimized" Crossover Reviews

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EX-550i/25 - CDT Audio 2-Way "Transient Optimized" Crossover Feature

  • The EX-550i/25 is the latest in a line of CDT Audio "transient optimized" crossovers.
  • All the experience gained in the design of this historic line of crossovers was applied to the design of the 550i/25.
  • The lower crossover frequency of 2.5kHz avoids dispersion and response anomalies in the mid-woofer to tweeter transition seen when crossing over at higher frequencies.
  • This lower crossover frequency provides superior blending in a range of installations and with various drivers.
  • Below the 2.5kHz crossover frequecy the tweeter is attenuated 24dB at 1.25kHz.
The response shape which the crossover applies to the tweeter adds a touch of EQ to restore energy to the normal power response roll-off characteristic observed in virtually all tweeters. In the 550i/25 this is focused higher with a flatter response "approach" than earlier models so only the 15kHz area is selectively boosted. The response shape and user friendly adjustments were gleaned from working with the line to produce this optimally effective 550i/25. The result is an easy to install substantially universal module that works extremely well. The 5 tweeter level steps are larger than before and cover enough range to work in virtually all installations. This new xover design is specially designed fort M6 and ES-06 woofers but is available as a high musical defined detail blend upgrade to any CDT woofer/tweeter combo.

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Dec 03, 2010 22:54:07


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